Right now. . .
. . . You have a lot of questions about your divorce or custody case.
You're in the right place.
Learn More
First, you need a ROAD MAP.
I have one for you. Scroll down for free access.

The What, How and When of Contested Divorce and Custody Cases.
What the Court will decide in your case, how those issues are decided, what the process is like, and how long it takes.
Click Here for FREE AccessHow Much Will It Cost Me To Hire A Lawyer?
Great question. I explain what, in my experience, you could spend when you hire a lawyer the “traditional” way, and why I created another option for my clients.
Click Here for FREE Access

Taking the Next Step (or Not.)
I'll help you decide whether you should file right away, whether it is better to wait, and – regardless of the timing – what you should do in the meantime.
Click Here for FREE AccessThen, you need an experienced guide.
I've been representing clients just like you in divorce and custody cases for over twenty years.
Don't worry -- we've totally got this.
More about Janie

I’m ready to answer your questions. Here are the ones most people ask.
Do my spouse and I have to legally separate before we can get divorced?
Will I (or my spouse) be forced to move out of our house when the divorce is filed?
If I DO move out of my house, will the Court consider that "abandonment?"
At a certain age, does a child get to choose which parent s/he lives with?
How much child support will I pay (receive)?
Does child support automatically stop when my child turns 18?
How much will it cost me to hire you for my divorce, custody or support case? Will I have to pay a retainer?
I just don't know where to begin. What should I do first?
When you’re ready. . . let’s talk.